Baby Child Healthcare

Give your child the best start in life with best healthcare products from leading brands  Calpol, Nurofen For Children

  • Baby Skincare

    Baby Skincare (81)

    Baby Skincare (81)

    The Best Baby SkinCare Products to Protect Baby's Sensitive Skin.  for Sensitive Skin. So soft, so cute!  Your little deserves relief. Best Baby Shampoo and Wash to Get Your Baby Clean. Aveeno, Cetaphil, E45 range, Oilatum
  • Children's Cough Cold

    Children's Cough Cold (21)

    Children's Cough Cold (21)

    Check out our selection  of children cough  and cold medicine including syrups, throat & nasal sprays, lozenges, vapour chest rub & order nowBenylin, Tixylix, Sterimar, Olbas
  • Children's Multivitamins

    Children's Multivitamins (9)

    Children's Multivitamins (9)

    Shop our range of baby & children's multivitamins & supplements to help keep your  children stay healthyChildren's Vitamins. Vitabiotics Wellbaby  Wellkid. Chewy Vites Haliborange  Haliborange Omega-3 Softies 30Bassetts  Multivitamins Pastilles 30s.  Abidec for baby and children
  • Children's Pain Relief

    Children's Pain Relief (33)

    Children's Pain Relief (33)

    Buy Children's pain relief  & fever online from Dock Pharmacy. Effective pain relief is achieved by giving medicine regularly rather than waiting for your child to indicate they have pain. Products for children's pain relief contain Ibuprofen or Paracetamol. PARACETAMOL (also called,Calpol Infants; Calpol 6+; , Disprol, Parapaed etc.)  This may be given to control mild pain e.g. after insertion of grommets, extraction of teeth but also if your child is suffering from a cold or is unsettled.  Paracetamol may be given every 4 – 6 hours with a maximum of 4 doses in 24 hours.  It is important to read the instructions for dosage on the bottle.IBUPROFEN (also called Nurofen For Children:, Calprofen)  Ibuprofen is an alternative type of pain relief medication. It does not contain Paracetamol.  Ibuprofen may be given every 6-8 hours and may be given up to 4 times a day depending on your child’s age – please read and follow instructions on your medicine bottle.  Ibuprofen should be given with food or a milky drink.  Ibuprofen can have some side effects:  If your child complains of tummy ache after the ibuprofen medicine it may not suit them and it would be advisable to stop giving it.  It may occasionally cause asthmatic children to become wheezy, if this happens it is also advisable to stop giving it. Paracetamol and Ibuprofen will be most effective in controlling moderate pain if they are given at staggered times so that as one type wears off the other starts working.
  • Colic Relief

    Colic Relief (7)

    Colic Relief (7)

    Colic Relief Products:  Colic is a common problem that affects up to one in five babies.Colic tends to begin when a baby is a few weeks old. It normally stops by four months of age, or by six months at the latest.Does your baby have Colic? Colic Relief  Products that can help your baby. Infacol Dentinox Gripe Water 
  • Cradle Cap

    Cradle Cap (1)

    Cradle Cap (1)

    Cradle Cap is common, harmless and doesn't usually itch or cause and usually appears in babies in the first two months and can clear up without treatment within weeks to a few months in some babies.Cradle cap can be recognised by the large, greasy, yellow or brown scales on your baby's scalp.

    Cradle Cap Treatment

    Dentinox Cradle Cap, 125ml 


  • Infant Formula

    Infant Formula (29)

    Infant Formula (29)

     At DockPharmacy we carry a wide range of baby milk formula, including Aptamil, SMA & Cow & Gate and also specialist infant formula milk if you baby is allergic to cows milk or has reflux.Wysoy


    SMA LF 
  • Nappy Rash Treatment

    Nappy Rash Treatment (19)

    Nappy Rash Treatment (19)

    Nappy Rash Treatment and prevention are very similar although it can be distressing for both you and your baby.prevent nappy rash with these 5 waysThe best treatments for mild to severe nappy rash:BepanthenSudocremChange your baby’s nappy more frequently than usual. 
  • Teething Aids

    Teething Aids (22)

    Teething Aids (22)

    Teething Aids at DockPharmacy, our great range of teething gels & teething powders helps your baby through teething, including advice on gels, rings, painkillers and comforting your baby.Teething Gels, Bonjela Infants, Anbesol Teething Gel, CalgelTeething Powder: Ashton & ParsonTeething Granules : Nelsons Teetha Granules
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